Saturday, July 31, 2010

Of Being Judgmental

We live in a world full of judgmental people. Whether we like it or not, that’s the reality of life. Sometimes, we are too quick to judge people; maybe based on what others say or just rumours. Sometimes, you just need to bear with these people. Life indeed will be dull if we don’t have these people. People are just getting more judgmental. You just need to tolerate with them.

We can easily criticise others without looking at it seriously. We can easily blame others without even reflecting ourselves

Teachers blame students for their poor academic performances without asking the fundamental cause of the problems.

Bosses blame workers without thinking that they bring influences to the work places.

We blame the environment we live in for our attitude without having self-reflection.

But, the reality is, we cannot judge people before we know them very well nor blame others for our own mistakes. I guess, that’s why people say don’t judge a book by its cover.

What you need to do every time you do any mistake, just take it and don’t repeat the same thing.

Experience is a good teacher. :-)

***Mr Amran said my p.s. is not touching enough. I should edit it more.

1 comment:

husna jamil said...

baru kali ini terjumpa blog kamu!!
tahniah,blog yg cukup baguss

teruskan menulis

bdw,Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa,
"Ramadhan karim"..