Saturday, December 19, 2009

Our First Biggest Fear

Do you still remember our first biggest fear? Well, for me my first one would be berkhatan. I know it sounded quite hideous for us, but that is our first biggest fear (for boys only) in life.

My brother did face the same fear, khatan. At first, everything was fine. He looked very brave and sounded very confident. So, we expected nothing would happen. However, everything went upside down when the day arrived. My father together with my uncle brought him to the clinic. But, when they arrived there, my brother started to make complaints. He first said that the doctor wasn't professional enough from the way he dressed up. (i think because he was so afraid of it). The he started to complain about lots of things. My mom wasn't there so he said that he needed my mom to be there. They went back home without being khatan. My mom went to the clinic for the second time together with me. Then, he also made lots of complaints and said that khatan is so painful. I told him:

Dik min nak kasi doktor khatan ka atau nak balik rumah biar abang potong sendiri guna gunting?

Maybe he was very afraid of me, he decided to choose the doctor (hahaha).

I still remembered khatan during my time. It was quite easy. My father brought me to the clinic and everything went smoothly. But, the only thing i remembered was that i fainted after that due to the loss of blood. Hahaha. At least, i didn’t make as much chaos as my brother made!


I think it is still not too late to wish this:


arina said...

hahaha do you know what girls' biggest fear?

zullykhwan said...

lahirkan anak ler