Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me......

hehehehehe... I'm already 18 now...... it's my birthday together with Alip Abuha.... the day after is Tapah's and next 4 days is fendy's.. Some people told me ' Zulie. dah boleh gi clubbing dah' But how come.. No disco in Pokok Sena lah. Sometimes my birthday reminds me of something.. it reminds me of myself. I'm getting one year older. It means i need to be more matured- ye ke ;-). I don't really know. I year passed by. And it's also one year shorter to be with my sister( sorry lah sebab sentimental sikit but i spend most of my time with her... Ah... jgan sedih2...

Hehe... my wish? Mmm... of course I want everything to be okay. my friends, family and even my life... I don't have any other wishes except to see everyone happy... But again.. February is also important... the month of love. Valentine's Day. and again we don't really celebrate it. I'm not very sure why.. but from what i know it was named after this priest, Saint Valentine for successfully contributing to the downfall of Uthman Empire... ( not so sure).. By the way, Fido will also have his final audition for kids@fgw. wish him all the best.he told me there was this judge commented about him. asked him to watch out his 'attitude'. (what does that mean). weird.....

Well.. i'm still doing nothing right now. but yet, i have to go to school with my sister. Kena jadi budak sekolah balik.. but it's okay. i'm happy to do it..

bye for now......


Farquar Haqqani said...

Kesian takde orang nak comment kat blog kau,
meh aku comment.haha

owh yeaaah!ur bday 2/2!!

happy belated birthday Ikhwan =)

zullykhwan said...

tak pe....
l8er there will be people...
coz i dont really publish my blog

Izzat Jonid said...

happy belated birthday zuli~
may Allah bless u 4ever~

p/s:bila lg nak join training ni?

zullykhwan said...

nak join tu boleh but for the time being tak boleh sebab adik masuk icu.. bcoz of thalassemia..

Unknown said...

hepy belated bfday my x dormmate
noe u had em already

zullykhwan said...

wht u mean by em?? just asking